
Cognitive Bias: Systematic Error by the Brain

The way we think affects us much more than we could imagine. It could affect how we feel and how we make decisions. So, is it fine to completely trust our brain in perceiving and processing information? Unfortunately, the answer might be no. Social scientists reported that there are certain ways of our thinking that are distorted. We are not aware of this “systematic error” which makes us often fail to judge rationally. This faulty by our brain is termed as cognitive bias.


The Reading Life – C. S. Lewis

Clive Staples Lewis atau lebih dikenal dengan C. S. Lewis, adalah seorang penulis yang sangat berpengaruh dalam dunia literatur. Ia telah menulis lebih dari 30 buku dan karyanya dinikmati oleh berbagai kalangan. Beberapa karya fiksinya yang terkenal adalah The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letter, dan The Space Trilogy. Karyanya, The Chronicles of Narnia, telah […]


How are cells in the body arranged to be functional and not randomly placed?

Each individual, human, and animal is built up by more than 70 organs and there are different types of cells that form each organ (Tortora & Derrickson, 2012). Each type of cell has different roles and characteristics to support the organ to be fully functional. For example, the cells found in the bone are different […]